How to Make an Automatic Farm in Minecraft

This section will take you to understand how to make an automatic farm in Minecraft. There are the top five automatic farms in this game. They are Wheat Farm, Hostile Mob Farm, Iron Farm, Honey Farm, and Slime Farm.

However, this article only focuses on the Wheat Farm and its process. For automatic farm, it is the most classic compared to the others. Now, let us see the step by step.

How to Make an Automatic Farm in Minecraft

How to Make an Automatic Farm in Minecraft

First, you have to start by entering your Minecraft account. You can continue from your existing game, or you can create the new one. Select which one you prefer.

How to Make an Automatic Farm in Minecraft

How to Make an Automatic Farm in Minecraft

Second, once you are inside your Minecraft world, you can begin the step. Before creating your farm, make sure you have to remove all the chicken. Clean your desired area from them.

How to Make an Automatic Farm in Minecraft

How to Make an Automatic Farm in Minecraft

How to Make an Automatic Farm in Minecraft

Remember that it is a crucial part. Be sure you do it until all chicken away from your future farm. So, your farm area will have no chicken.

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How to Make an Automatic Farm in Minecraft

How to Make an Automatic Farm in Minecraft

How to Make an Automatic Farm in Minecraft

Third, you can build your farming. You can start by creating two platforms in the desired area. Make two with a similar measurement, which is 6×7.

How to Make an Automatic Farm in Minecraft

Do not forget to give the distance between them. Separate your platforms with around three blocks.

How to Make an Automatic Farm in Minecraft

How to Make an Automatic Farm in Minecraft

How to Make an Automatic Farm in Minecraft

Fourth, proceed by building the walls. Surround your platform with walls two blocks-high. Prepare the trench on the two sides of each platform.

How to Make an Automatic Farm in Minecraft

Meanwhile, leave the other two sides with dirt. Once your walls and trenches are ready, you have to fill them with water. You can do the same things to all trenches.

How to Make an Automatic Farm in Minecraft

It functions to water your crops. So, by learning the tutorial on how to make an automatic farm in Minecraft, you will have a farm that grows faster than the basic farm plan.

How to Make an Automatic Farm in Minecraft

How to Make an Automatic Farm in Minecraft

After all the trenches have water, use your blocks to cover it. Make sure you cover the whole part of them. So, you are unable to see them again.

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How to Make an Automatic Farm in Minecraft

How to Make an Automatic Farm in Minecraft

The fifth step allows you to create the center of your platform. It is the location between the two dirt and set a 1×2 block.

In the center, place pistons on both sides and facing one another. Then, you can build the wall at the edge of your blocks. Create also a rectangle as a hollow with the size 3×4 and locate it above the pistons.

How to Make an Automatic Farm in Minecraft

How to Make an Automatic Farm in Minecraft

After that, set the block below and behind the pistons. Place a Redstone repeater facing the pistons.

Then, place a Redstone dust lining your wall. Set it above your farm dirt and down to the farm front part. Once you are done with this step, you can put a lever.

How to Make an Automatic Farm in Minecraft

How to Make an Automatic Farm in Minecraft

How to Make an Automatic Farm in Minecraft

How to Make an Automatic Farm in Minecraft

Next, pull the lever. The pistons have to be close to each other as shown in the picture. Then, fill the hollow rectangle with water.

Sixth, it is time to water your soil. Use the water from your trenches. After that, you can plant your crops and wait.

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How to Make an Automatic Farm in Minecraft

Plant your wheat here and wait around five days. You can harvest your farm now. You can pull the lever to make the water down.

Once it is down, you can harvest your crops. Flow all the water, including the corners too.

Seventh, you can replant and regrow your crop after you harvest it. You can repeat it many times. It is not necessary to re-till your soil.

This process is available only on Creative. Yet, you may try it to Survival too.

The attached picture will help you to portray it clear. It can guide you whenever you feel lost during these steps.

You can also replace your crops using carrots or potatoes. The growing and harvesting time is similar to the Wheat. Hopefully, the above processes of how to make an automatic farm in Minecraft are useful for you.

Stella Nelson

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