Could Not Reserve Enough Space For Object Heap Minecraft

If you are a player of Minecraft and you love this game, you need to know about this specific information of this game. For your information, this is one of the sandbox games that gains more popularity since lots of players have already played the game.

The players of this game can make their server, so they can play on their realm together with friends.

When you are playing this game, you can always get lots of experiences with so many battles, so many places, and crafting activities that you need to do during the time you spend when playing this game.

Though there might be a problem that appears when they cannot access the Minecraft server, or when they get the information about the space error, and the problem of could not reserve enough space for object heap Minecraft.

How to Fix the Problem of Could Not Reserve Enough Space in Minecraft

As a Minecraft player, you have to know how to fix some types of problems regarding your PC which may enable you to play Minecraft.

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You can always try the PC program which is called a driver fix. This is a kind of PC program that maintains your PC driver running smoothly and this driver helps your PC against error problems that may occur or the failure problems in your hardware.

There are some steps that you have to take if you could not reserve enough space for object heap Minecraft, you need to make sure that the software of DriverFix is already downloaded completely.

If it is done, you need to start scanning your PC, so this software may detect all the problems which can be found in the drivers.

For the next step, you have to make sure that you start your drivers to be more updated, so you can have the newest driver version which can minimize the problem of a malfunctioning system.

C:UsersmeandDesktopServer>java -Xmx2048M -Xms2048M -jar server.jar nogui
Error occurred during initialization of VM
Could not reserve enough space for 2097152KB object heap
Press any key to continue . . .

More Information on How to Solve the Problem of Could Not Reserve Enough Space in Minecraft

Could Not Reserve Enough Space For Object Heap Minecraft

It is also advisable that you try to upgrade your ram by adding the RAM to the server of your Minecraft. Though it is also possible that you may encounter the problem of more space needed, and the problem of not reserve enough space for object heap Minecraft. This is the error condition that may happen since you have the wrong Java JRE version.

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This problem is commonly happening and there are lots of players who already report this case. Therefore, you have to get more information about how to fix this troubleshooting if you face this condition.

First of all, you have to need to have the complete installation of 64-bit Java JRE. If you already have it, you can enter the downloaded page of Java JRE.

Next, you have to make sure that you are clicking the 64-bit Windows Offline and make sure that you have the complete download for this.

C:>java -version

java version "1.8.0_221"

Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_221-b11)

Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.221-b11, mixed mode)

Next Steps for Solving the Problem of Could Not Reserve Enough Space in Minecraft

Could Not Reserve Enough Space For Object Heap Minecraft

Now you have to go to the installer of Java and do the double click since you need to have the complete installation of Java runtime environment 64-bit edition.

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Could Not Reserve Enough Space For Object Heap Minecraft

When you are already done with all the steps, you can start the server of Minecraft and you can get the RAM allocation if you wish to add more RAM. You can check whether the problem is already fixed.

Could Not Reserve Enough Space For Object Heap Minecraft

If you still experience this same problem, you can continue to do some more action to fix it, by accessing the command prompt.

Could Not Reserve Enough Space For Object Heap Minecraft

In this command prompt, you can type the command of java version before you click ok, and you can see the result: when “64-bit Server VM” is still apparent, it means you have to remove the previous version which already out of date and try to reinstall the new version with 64-bit edition.

After remove and reinstall, you can have the variable of the new system added to the control panel. These are all the steps which may help you if you could not reserve enough space for object heap in Minecraft.

Stella Nelson

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