How to Make a Potion of Harming in Minecraft

How to Make a Potion of Harming in Minecraft – When you are playing Minecraft, you need several kinds of potion which helps you to survive and get more success.

Therefore, if you want to get some insights into how to make a potion of harming in Minecraft, you need to read this article completely and practice preparing another powerful potion.

How to Make a Potion of Harming in Minecraft

As you know that you somehow will need a potion of harming which has the main function for instant damage. You just simply follow the instructions and if you have already done all the steps you will surely get success for this powerful potion creation.

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Creating the Harming Potion in Minecraft Easily

You need to follow several brewing steps to prepare the harming potion in Minecraft, and you may just put the potion in your inventory.

So, the potion will be ready to use every time you need it. This is a harmful and powerful potion by the way since it will surely give the damaging effect easily and you can surely see the immediate reaction since it will give the 6 damaging points for your overall health.

This is how to make a potion of harming in Minecraft; you need to make sure that you prepare some kinds of these materials: you need one poison potion and one spider eye which are already fermented.

How to Make a Potion of Harming in Minecraft

Here are the steps that you have to follow: Go to the menu of the brewing stand, and you will have the menu of the brewing stand which looks like the picture.

After that, you need to put the blaze powder which you may need to put in the left box to get the brewing stand activated.

Adding More Ingredients for Your Powerful Potion

There are some more ingredients that you need to put on the menu of your brewing stand. You need to put all the ingredients in the top part of the box.

How to Make a Potion of Harming in Minecraft

You also have to make sure that you are making the potion in the bottom part which consists of the three boxes. For your best creation of instant damage potion or the harming potion.

How to Make a Potion of Harming in Minecraft

Now, it is time for you to prepare one poison potion and one spider eye which are already fermented. Place the poison potion in the bottom box which you can find in the menu of the brewing stand.

How to Make a Potion of Harming in Minecraft

Put the spider eye which is already fermented to the box at the top part. Wait for the brewing process, and when it is done there will be a sound of “glug-glug-glug”, and this is the time when the fermented spider eye is gone.

How to Make a Potion of Harming in Minecraft

At this time, you are already done with the process of creating the harming potion or the instant damage potion. You will see that now you have a bottle of harmful potion.

More Information about Instant Damage Potion

How to Make a Potion of Harming in Minecraft

Those who drink this harmful potion of instant damage potion will get six points of damage. You may also need to try on transforming your instant damage potion to the harming splash potion which you may throw to another mob, and it will surely give a damage effect for another mob.

Here is another tip for you, once you hover a certain type of potion in the brewing stand, there will be the name of the potion and the effects which may appear and you can see it.

So you already get more knowledge of creating the instant damage potion which may cause the 6 damages to your health, and therefore it is best for you to try to turn it into the harmful splash potion which you can use to attack another mob.

This is all about how to make a potion of harming in Minecraft with the complete steps for you to follow.

Stella Nelson

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