How to Find where You Died in Minecraft 

How to find where you died in Minecraft? In many games, it is common for the character you play to die. It is not something to worry about for sure.

Although being dead is indeed disappointing, your world is not ended at this stage. There are still many chances in the future to stay alive and win the game.

Besides, in some games, dead characters can still be summoned with particular terms and conditions. In Minecraft, some other things are more important than summoning the character.

You should know where you die for the last time. But how is it? Here is the explanation.

Try to Memorize It

It sounds cliché. If there is a way or tool to know where you have died, why should you memorize it? Sure, it is so that you are not wasting time.

Moreover, it is when the location of dying is not too far from your house. Or, you also just want to play it again not long after the character is dying.

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This way, why must you worry about using tools? If you remember the location well, you can just go there. It is simpler, faster, and of course, more practical.

Using Mods (Beacon)

While memorizing or trying to remember the last time the character is dying is a good thing, it is not something anyone can do. Well, not all players are good at memorizing.

Besides, if the last time you play the game has been some hours or even some days ago, you must not memorize it more accurately. Therefore, the effective way to know where you last died in the game is by using mods.

Mods are tools provided for Minecraft to help you solve problems when playing. For knowing the location of the death, there are many mods to use.

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One of the most popular mods for this purpose is the beacon or a mini-map. Besides, there are also some other mops with a similar function. Don’t worry about trying them all since the mods are accessible for free.

How to Make the Beacon to Find the Previous Death Location

Beacon is indeed to use for free in Minecraft. But sure, you must craft it yourself. And based on reviews of many users, this tool is one of the most difficult tools to make in the game. It may take time but it is very good if you are experienced enough in making it.

There are 3 main materials to use to make a beacon. They are glass, obsidian, and a Nether star. Glass itself is quite easy to make as the main material is sand.

The sand itself is simply found around like on the beach. Meanwhile, obsidian is quite rare but you can just have it by mining on the ground.

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To mine obsidian, pour the water into the lava. You also need a diamond as a tool for this activity. The most difficult item to find is the Nether star indeed. You must defeat Either first to get it.

To make a beacon, here are the steps. Just like making other items, first of all, please go to a workbench. Next, you must add 3 pieces of glass to the top row.

Next, there is glass, a Nether Star, and a glass to the middle row. Lastly, add also 3 obsidians to the bottom row. The beacon is ready to use.

Beacon itself functions to look for many things in Minecraft. By having it, sure, you get many advantages. Looking for other items of materials is getting easier, not only for finding the previous dead location. So, make sure to have it in your game.

Stella Nelson

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